It is not staggering that some people living with or without autism and developmental disability may be skeptics of the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis (ABA). This stems from the history of ABA using a ...
Rethinking Special Education: Insights, Challenges, and the Role of Applied Behaviour Analysis.
Special education in the US dates to the early 19th century where institutions were created to isolate people with mental illness, developmental disabilities previously called mental retardation, ...
The Power of Trauma-Informed Care for Vulnerable Populations.
Trauma as defined by Krupnik (2019) is anything that puts an individual in danger emotionally, physically or psychologically and sometimes involves the security of the individual’s family or friends (p.256). These events can ...
Ethics in Action: A Closer Look at Dentists and Behaviour Analysts
In a society where people have different perspectives of life and are from diverse cultural backgrounds, ethics has become an essential part of different professions. According to Aquinis and Henle (2 ...
Behavioral Medicine Meets ABA: Transforming Healthcare Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration”
Behavioral medicine is a field that is very essential to the wellbeing of a person. It provides insight on the influence of behaviors on illness. In other words, it takes into consideration emotions, thoughts and how behavior can interconnect with bio ...
Building bridges, breaking barriers:a journey toward true inclusion.
The world we live in comprises of different people with diverse background and as behavior analysts we must learn about different cultures to better serve our clients and co-exist with our coll ...
Exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relational Frame
There have been new approaches in recent times about behavioral and cognitive therapies. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and Relational frame theory (RFT) are examples of such therapies (Hayes,2005, p.1 ...
Breaking the Silence: Redefining Mental Health Through Culture, Behavior, and Science”
There has been a lot of school of thoughts when it comes to defining what mental health is. Scott (1958) defined mental health as schizophrenia, suicide, being unhappy, a disruptive child and embracing an insufferable ...
Beyond the Yes: Exploring Consent, Assent, and Ethical Care in ABA”
Consent remains an essential part of different elements of life including clinical practice. In the world of applied behavior analysis (ABA), it can be quite tricky. Most clients may have little to no capacity and as such caregivers, parents or ce ...
“Debunking Myths: Tackling Pseudoscience in Developmental Disabilities and Autism Care”
Pseudoscientific practices have gained popularity in the past few years due to the increased incidence of diagnosis of autism. According to Fombonne (2003) , the incidence of autism has surged over the pas ...